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EWRT 100: Critical Reading and Writing Skills

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Course Code: 
EWRT 100
Carole Greene
De Anza College

This course is designed to help the student build a grammatical tool kit that he or she will need to employ in analytical argumentative writing. Because a solid foundation in grammar is essential, we will start with a review and graded quizzes on each of the four sentence types. Since writing mastery calls for the ability to read, to listen, to discuss, and to write, we will also take between five and six Listening Tests. In the writing of paragraphs, particular attention will be given to writing an effective topic sentence that will be supported by specific main clause facts. The student will also demonstrate mastery of main clause unity by placing key facts in main clauses and intentionally subordinating secondary information. In the writing of essays, the student will learn how to compose an opening paragraph that will serve as a microcosm for the entire paper with a carefully crafted thesis statement, clearly defined subpoints, and a statement of purpose. Subsequent paragraphs will demonstrate the student's ability to write effective topic sentences supported by main clause primary facts and subordinated secondary ones.
The student will also learn how to write an effective concluding paragraph that gives the reader clear and specific main clause reminders for each of the subpoints that were covered in the body of the paper.

Course Sessions
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